This is absolutely one of the best portraits I have created!As I really like to call it, my masterpiece! I drew this portrait when I was in school. It was connected to my thesis, “The Relativity ''. I am fascinated by Einstein, one of the most brilliant minds of the last century. I love him and I really like his quotes too.
I remember at the time I was a bit worried as I had to draw it on a large paper. Perhaps 100 x 70 cm . It was so big that I didn’t know where start or how to draw it. Well, trust me, I have no idea how, but I did it! Yes ! I was and am still so satisfied with the outcome and proud of what I achieved . It took me three months to complete, working many hours on it, even during the night ! This chiaroscuro portrait was created using different pencils and nothing else.
My favourite part was drawing the eyes and The most difficult was the moustache . I also remember that it wasn't so easy drawing the nose too. Einstein is without a doubt my favourite portrait . The school wanted to keep it for a while, to show future students . But I am really fond of it and decided the best place to display it was in my mother's house. It is still on her living room wall. I like to see it hanging there. It is a precious piece. I didn't want it to be ruined. My mum's house is a safe place and she loves it too. I know this sounds a bit funny or weird but I really care about my drawings or paintings , especially when they represent something important , meaningful to me. Einstein’s portrait means a lot to me . It reminds me of a beautiful period in my life, my adolescence. It is related to the years where I started to discover my drawing skills by challenging myself. Sometimes I wonder how it would be, after years, making another big portrait and if I am still able to do it. So I guess I should do something like this again. Take another big paper and make a new ChiaroScuro portrait . A new interesting challenge !!!
