This is my first Chiaroscuro portrait. I drew it when I was more or less 16 years old, on a paper 33x48 cm.
To be the first portrait I was enough satisfied . I really like Audrey Hepburn as an actress even a lot her quotes. I think she is one of the most beautiful women in the world. Not only for her beauty , but especially for her soul , her thoughts. I loved her style and drawing her was a challenge. My favourite part to draw were the eyes. She got such a beautiful eyes! They are one of my favourite part to draw in every drawings . Also I really love the makeup and the style that women used to use and wear during the 1950s. Audrey Hepburn was natural and genuine. She is the symbol of elegance .
I used several pencils for the portrait and also the charcoal for the darkest part.
Looking at it today make me think how much I improved during these years , but even that to be the first chiaroscuro portrait wasn't so bad. There are some imperfections that I wouldn't probably make today. A lot of people like it even if this portrait is old . I still like it and it is one of my favourite.
